I tell youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......................
There's this barking biatch in my office who thinks that she's the head or what loh!
Feel like slapping her today, really got into my nerve sial!
Came in late for work. First thing on my mind was to clear the work that was left over from the day before. Urgent stuffs like
1. getting back to 2 patients on available appointment slots
2. getting a goverment reply letter printed out
3. forwarding urgent mails to the doctor
And at the same time, I was picking up endless phone calls of enquiry and checking patients into the clinic.
Compared to normal days when I'm not late and when I don't have left over work, my normal duties are:
1. Calling up next day's patients for confirmation.
As I do not have a company email yet, I so used my hotmail.
Then Fuck!
The biatch came behind me and screamed "MICHELLE! Have you called up tomorrow's patient? And can you stop surfing the net?!"
BLardy hell! You mean you didn't do anything between the time you got into the office till I came?
"And have you brought out all the patient's records? We're gonna leave this job to you okay!"
DAmn! Boss didn't hire me to TAKEOVER your workload okay! I'm hired to help out.
AND!!! The whole morning till 2pm, I was sitting alone out in the front, while they were at the back! So what? From 3 Patient Coordinator become 1 Patient Coordinator + 2 Administrator ah?
Ki siao!
So angry can!
The pissing did not end here.
As another colleague of mine & I were packing, getting ready to go, at 610pm, biatch came into the back and said in an ORDERING manner
"two of you, don't go home first!"
then 2 mins later
"You [refering to me] finish writing the time for cards already? [F! only 4 cards, and she could have done it since she was in the front all the time! I confirmed the time and drew all the cards out, can't she lift her fingers to pen down few numbers?]
then to my other colleague
"You're suppose to be in the sterilising area, go and clear all the stuffs now."
Then to to both of us, "you two are not allowed to go home before you finish everything."
PIANGZ! Boss also never like that loh.
Ask us nicely we still ok, order us around! Fucked up k!
Stop barking like a dog k, biatch!
Finish ranting liao lah. Made me so pissed the whole day. Hurmph.
Chris' leaving home in 5.5hours, flying off in 9hours, for 16 freaking days!
Off to bed now, only less than 5hours to sleep.
nitey nite
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Super busy loh
With work and the boyfriend and shopping and my cute little dog. But I guess it'll tone down a lil for the next coming week.
Chris' going for training with his cadets in thailand lah! 2-3weeks. Gahgahgah!
Anyways, some pictures to update this blog. Will be typing lazily today, very tired.
ChinaTown day 2 Sundays ago. Had to go shop for something "Singaporey" as gifts for 2 Indonesian guys, and so we decided to pop by the famous dessrt place and the famous porridge place for makan!
Slurppy slurps slurps
Okay, then joined my colleagues for makan at Pizza ust the evening before the pay came in. Kakakaka....
After only being in the company for less than a month, I was still invited to their yearly company function! We're going to Sentosa! Not very exciting at the first place lah. But I was so wrong!
The whole company consisted of 25people including the doctors, nurses/assistants, front desk and part timers.
Me & Stephy
Had ice breaking games, great catered breakfast, lunch & tea break and a Amazing Race in the whole of Sentosa. 6 Points in total and our group completed in about 2hrs. We would be in 1st place if our group did not split into 2 during the last stop. Communication breakdown lah. Zzz. Just this picture to show, 1st point, all energised and excited. The rest all looking really tired already.
End of the day, all dead beat. Took a group photo before going our own ways.
Anyways, we came in 2nd and got $30 NTUC voucher each. Spent it on Chris' necessities for the Thai trip & some chocolates & cookies as well.
Then 3days ago the Saturday hor, saw at the Cathay got this show call something something Revelation, and it's R21. Both of us, naively thought it was gonna be some Kill Bill or Saw kinda gorely shows, our 1st time ok. But ah! End up ish PORN okay! And the story line sucks to the core. Throughout the show, I catch no ball. =.="
Waste money!
He surprised me with this over late lunch.
Agatha Doggy bracelete! Hehehehe....
Makaned @ MOF. Really like the cheap and good dessrt there.
Then we made this on Sunday night, for Monday's breakfast. :P
My Cutesy lil baby!
i'm a happy girl
Chris' going for training with his cadets in thailand lah! 2-3weeks. Gahgahgah!
Anyways, some pictures to update this blog. Will be typing lazily today, very tired.
ChinaTown day 2 Sundays ago. Had to go shop for something "Singaporey" as gifts for 2 Indonesian guys, and so we decided to pop by the famous dessrt place and the famous porridge place for makan!
Slurppy slurps slurps
Okay, then joined my colleagues for makan at Pizza ust the evening before the pay came in. Kakakaka....
After only being in the company for less than a month, I was still invited to their yearly company function! We're going to Sentosa! Not very exciting at the first place lah. But I was so wrong!
The whole company consisted of 25people including the doctors, nurses/assistants, front desk and part timers.
Me & Stephy
Had ice breaking games, great catered breakfast, lunch & tea break and a Amazing Race in the whole of Sentosa. 6 Points in total and our group completed in about 2hrs. We would be in 1st place if our group did not split into 2 during the last stop. Communication breakdown lah. Zzz. Just this picture to show, 1st point, all energised and excited. The rest all looking really tired already.

End of the day, all dead beat. Took a group photo before going our own ways.
Anyways, we came in 2nd and got $30 NTUC voucher each. Spent it on Chris' necessities for the Thai trip & some chocolates & cookies as well.
Then 3days ago the Saturday hor, saw at the Cathay got this show call something something Revelation, and it's R21. Both of us, naively thought it was gonna be some Kill Bill or Saw kinda gorely shows, our 1st time ok. But ah! End up ish PORN okay! And the story line sucks to the core. Throughout the show, I catch no ball. =.="
Waste money!
He surprised me with this over late lunch.
Agatha Doggy bracelete! Hehehehe....
Makaned @ MOF. Really like the cheap and good dessrt there.
Then we made this on Sunday night, for Monday's breakfast. :P
My Cutesy lil baby!
i'm a happy girl
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Flu bug is back to bug me!
Nose blocked, runny and stuffy
Light headed
Ears blocked too
And feeling very sleepy
So yesterday, took time off from 4pm to come home to rest. Who knows, upon reaching my door step, there wasn't anyone at home. So we sat down outside & I fell asleep on Chris, with my dogs lying by the gate staring at us before my brother came home 30minutes later.
Slept from 630pm till 9-ish pm, ate a lil and went back to bed around 10pm. Chris left when I was soundly asleep. Woke up only at 11am this morning and as I'm typing this, I'm starting to feel a lil sleepy already.
Still sneezing and coughing away, muscus flowing like a river. Waiting for Chris to be back to take me to the doctor.
Remember the macarons I had from my Bangkok trip?
Nose blocked, runny and stuffy
Light headed
Ears blocked too
And feeling very sleepy
So yesterday, took time off from 4pm to come home to rest. Who knows, upon reaching my door step, there wasn't anyone at home. So we sat down outside & I fell asleep on Chris, with my dogs lying by the gate staring at us before my brother came home 30minutes later.
Slept from 630pm till 9-ish pm, ate a lil and went back to bed around 10pm. Chris left when I was soundly asleep. Woke up only at 11am this morning and as I'm typing this, I'm starting to feel a lil sleepy already.
Still sneezing and coughing away, muscus flowing like a river. Waiting for Chris to be back to take me to the doctor.
Remember the macarons I had from my Bangkok trip?
Cheap, but small and filling weren't generous. It still satisfy the buds thou.
And see what I saw at Wisma's Bakerzinn!
Super duper big, fat and filled macarons!
And it was like so expensive lah, but I was drooling and he gave in and so we bought 4pieces ust to satisfy our curiousity and cravings.
Super yummilicious... Chris liked the Bangkok ones, but I like this better!
Now that I've told my girlies about my job, I think it's only right that I let others know. Ahahaha.
I'm a patient coordinator at a advanced dentistry centre, where the dentist do more than scaling, polishing, braces and fillings.
Went for a public discussion forum organised by my director, and guess who's speaking? Bill Dorfman, the dentist from Extreme Makeover!
L-R: Me, Dr Yap[director], Ezan[PC], Bill Dorfman, Stephanie[PC], Shierly[dr's assistant] and Angie[dr's assistant].
Missing from the photo is Dr Lim, Dr Gan[periodontist - gums specialist] and Nurul, another dr's assistant. And yeap, that's how big we are in this branch.
Oh ya, I made another biggest decision of my life ust the other day. My virgin hair got highlighted!
My first time, and didn't want to shock myself out and also because I work in the front desk,, I told the stylist to give me something nice yet subtle. And the main reason for me to highlight was to hide my white hairs and to add some colours to myself lah.
And so, the base colour is dark brown, and stripes of Magenta Red[somewhat like the colour of my font] on top of it. I'm loving it, but when the bill for my hightlight, hair cut, and Chris' hair cut, we almost fainted! Total of $268. Scary right? It's okay, I ust wont go back there anymore.
Haahaa.. Am already thinking of what colour for the next round when the colour fades.
Give me mc for tomorrow too
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Happy 21st Birthday !!
Saturday was quite a bad day for me cos:
1. I have to OT till 6pm at work, and I was alone, doing 3person's work
2. Chris was waiting aimlessly around town
3. Did not bring my camera to the chalet. [damn, i reminded myself to bring the night before!]
4. Cab fare from PS to ECP was a freaking 20bucks!
5. Had headache
6. Lost my Nokia e65 in ECP's public toilet when the both of us went "gai-gai" after the cake cutting
7. Quarrelled with Chris after we left the chalet which lasted the whole night and into the next day [resolved, and still very loving now :P]
BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The thing worth celebrating for and not bring too upset about is my bestie turning 21 !!!
Dina!!!!! You're finally 21 LAH!!! T-W-E-N-T-Y O-N-E!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehehe, welcome to the gang. Lalala~ [Eileen, please don't, DON' LAUGH okay! Your turn is coming soon!].
Alrighty, see you girls in about an hour's time!
It's been a loooooong time since the only 4girls gathered for girls bitching/gossiping session.
Love you girls!
1. I have to OT till 6pm at work, and I was alone, doing 3person's work
2. Chris was waiting aimlessly around town
3. Did not bring my camera to the chalet. [damn, i reminded myself to bring the night before!]
4. Cab fare from PS to ECP was a freaking 20bucks!
5. Had headache
6. Lost my Nokia e65 in ECP's public toilet when the both of us went "gai-gai" after the cake cutting
7. Quarrelled with Chris after we left the chalet which lasted the whole night and into the next day [resolved, and still very loving now :P]
BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The thing worth celebrating for and not bring too upset about is my bestie turning 21 !!!
Dina!!!!! You're finally 21 LAH!!! T-W-E-N-T-Y O-N-E!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehehe, welcome to the gang. Lalala~ [Eileen, please don't, DON' LAUGH okay! Your turn is coming soon!].
Alrighty, see you girls in about an hour's time!
It's been a loooooong time since the only 4girls gathered for girls bitching/gossiping session.
Love you girls!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Good week
Yeap, you've heard me. It's only 2230hrs and I feel like super duper ultra sleepy already!
I've been waking up diligently between 0730hrs-0750hrs the past 4days and falling asleep the minute I plonked onto my bed [usually between 2245hrs-2330hrs]. How cool is that? I haven been sleeping early and having a deep sleep for so long already.
Today's the last day of the course and I think I've benefitted so much even before I got integrated into the practice. It seems like a whole new exciting journey which will bring me further in life.
Don't be surprise at my job title which I'd reveale in a later date, cos it might sound like a low salaried, low production, low usuage of brain cells. But the truth is we are the managers of the whole business and how my role, as well as my other 2 colleagues, would either help the practice generate high or low income.
How interesting eh? It's like a relevation to each of our roles in the practice after this course and we'd take more ownership of it and perform it with better understanding on why we should.
My bosses are really nice okay. They treated us lunches at Sakae Sushi on day1, Borders Bistro on day2, lunch was free & easy on day3 and Borders Bistro again today. Food at BB is GREAT! Pasta serving can be humongously HUGE! So beware. :P
And they're making us uniforms! Quite nice, 3 tops at $70bucks each. They wanted to make 6, but we were concerned about the money spent more than them lah. Haha, cute bosses. Also needa get 2 uniform cardigans, 2 blacks pants & a pair of shoes for the 6 of us. Guess we girls gotta go shopping someday next week!
I'm sooooooooo looking forard to my FIRST paycheque in many many months. Gonna buy Chris & myself somthing really nice with it, haven decide on what yet. Will start saving on my 2nd paycheque, haven been indulging my shopping spree for such a long time.
Sleepy already
Yeap, you've heard me. It's only 2230hrs and I feel like super duper ultra sleepy already!
I've been waking up diligently between 0730hrs-0750hrs the past 4days and falling asleep the minute I plonked onto my bed [usually between 2245hrs-2330hrs]. How cool is that? I haven been sleeping early and having a deep sleep for so long already.
Today's the last day of the course and I think I've benefitted so much even before I got integrated into the practice. It seems like a whole new exciting journey which will bring me further in life.
Don't be surprise at my job title which I'd reveale in a later date, cos it might sound like a low salaried, low production, low usuage of brain cells. But the truth is we are the managers of the whole business and how my role, as well as my other 2 colleagues, would either help the practice generate high or low income.
How interesting eh? It's like a relevation to each of our roles in the practice after this course and we'd take more ownership of it and perform it with better understanding on why we should.
My bosses are really nice okay. They treated us lunches at Sakae Sushi on day1, Borders Bistro on day2, lunch was free & easy on day3 and Borders Bistro again today. Food at BB is GREAT! Pasta serving can be humongously HUGE! So beware. :P
And they're making us uniforms! Quite nice, 3 tops at $70bucks each. They wanted to make 6, but we were concerned about the money spent more than them lah. Haha, cute bosses. Also needa get 2 uniform cardigans, 2 blacks pants & a pair of shoes for the 6 of us. Guess we girls gotta go shopping someday next week!
I'm sooooooooo looking forard to my FIRST paycheque in many many months. Gonna buy Chris & myself somthing really nice with it, haven decide on what yet. Will start saving on my 2nd paycheque, haven been indulging my shopping spree for such a long time.
Sleepy already
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