Trained down one weekend afternoon to Vivocity. Caught the Movie Friday the 13th. Quite scary, but after a while, it wasn't that intense anymore as they've revealed the killer's face too often.
Marche again! Sorry only 2 shots as the stupid battery konked out before I could take more.

One fine afternoon, my Mom decided to disturb Sundae. Look at Sundae's sian face! WHAHAHAHA Priceless!
Grandma wants her to be super model, the dog who does catwalks!
Just last friday, I've got a call from an unknown caller. Upon hearing her first word, I immediately guilty!
She was my Godmom. She babysat me since I was born till the age of 8! And ever since my parents hored a maid from I was 6, my visits to their place in Bukit Batok became scarce! She doted me as if I was her own, and I think that's partly because she has 3 sons and no daughter. The other reason was obvious lah, how can anyone resist my cuteness right!
BLEAH! Anyways, had a short chat with her, and then decided that I should visit her the very next day as I do not want to procrastinate the visit anymore.
I felt so welcomed, and so loved there! My goduncle and godbro were there. And I gotten to know that since I told MAMA [tt's what I addressed her since young] I'll be coming, she's been announcing it to everyone that came in contact with her and to those who knew me since young.
It was like a scenario where I've been overseas for 5years and finally come home! Heee.. Even Chris thought so!
The whole afternoon, I was showered with food and phone calls! MAMA fried noodles and finger food for all of us and exclusively fed me a hard boiled egg! I suddenly felt so loved.
I promise I'll visit them again soon. I miss my Popo too! Remember how I used to tag along with her to work. Those memories will be etched to my mind forever.
We left Bukit Batok after 3hours+ then headed to Chris' place for KFC dinner. Hahaha. I don't know why I always feel out of place when I go there. :P Left quite early and went to pick Mom up from work at 10pm since we used her car for the whole day[I gave her 10bucks for cab okay!].
Sunday came and it was Mother's Day! We went Kbox Buffet at Leisure Park with Mom and my maternal side relatives. Was fun, but not worth it cos the time limit was 4 hours, from 6pm to 10pm, no matter how big a crowd you have. we had like 13 pax and the time is not enough for all of us to sing till we're satisfied!
So when the lady came to tell it's time for our last song, we said okay, but dragged and dragged till it was about 1115pm before we were actually being chased out. HAha! Price was approximately $28 per person. Sashimi wasn't nice, dim sum was so-so and dessrt was cheapo.
This weeked will most likely be spent at Dad's place. Heh, been trying my hands on some dessert soup and I want Dad to try it. On the way take $$ to pay school fees next week also lah. Kekeke.
More of Sundae baby's pictures! She's like a dead dog in the day! Only knows how to sleep sleep sleep!