A year past by so fast! Since we don't know her real birth date, her Papa decided it shuld be on the 20th November, and so he reminded me to celebrate her birthday.
I don't know if rabbits take real cakes, so I made something else that she'd definitely enjoy.
3-tier banana 'cake'! (the candle is a shred of carrot!)
She was really excited the moment I peeled the banana! Look how anxious she was! Couldn't even snap a proper picture!
Now's she's such a big girl already(I think she weighs at least 2+kg), and has become super "yang-orh" (manja) and readily asks for pats whenever we walk pass her cage. Sometimes I even caught her lowering her head for Sundae to lick. Sisterly love!
Not to mention, she's a true blue Holland Lop with an attitude!
brownie: who say this poop is mine?!
Her present will come when her Papa comes home from USA. :)
Happy 1st Birthday Brownie! We love you!