Whoo! It was a busy 4 days!
The night before Reunion Dinner, we went to River Ang Pao. Before that, we had NYNY for dinner.
Nothing much, snapped some pictures and off we went to Marina Square then back home.

Reunion Dinner as usual. Lotsa food and gambling till 5am! Hehehe, I lost a lil on both blackjack and mahjong.
My poor baby waited for us till we got home at about 6am! She could barely hold her eyelid when she finally laid in her bed.

After 3hours of sleep, we woke up and prepared to head to Chris' godparent's place, to collect the 'YuSheng' as well as to 'Pai Nian'.
Take 1 - OpS!

Take 2 - Better

Came back home to place the 'YuSheng' into the refridgerator before rushing out again. Naughty girl trying to make us play with her.

Can't bear to let us go out again

Reunion Dinner as usual. Lotsa food and gambling till 5am! Hehehe, I lost a lil on both blackjack and mahjong.
My poor baby waited for us till we got home at about 6am! She could barely hold her eyelid when she finally laid in her bed.
After 3hours of sleep, we woke up and prepared to head to Chris' godparent's place, to collect the 'YuSheng' as well as to 'Pai Nian'.
Take 1 - OpS!
Take 2 - Better
Came back home to place the 'YuSheng' into the refridgerator before rushing out again. Naughty girl trying to make us play with her.
Can't bear to let us go out again
Let me introduce you my very cute nephew. Issac the Tiger!
As it's also Vday, after visiting my Uncle's place, the 4 of us headed down to town to catch Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief, 'Kiap' a soft toy and had dinner @ Xin Wang HK Cafe.
Got home at about 1am and was dead tired.
On the second day of CNY, woke up around noon and head off from Sengkang to Bukit Batok to pay my God-family a visit. They were my doting babysitters since young till about 5years old.
Evening was spent at my Aunt's place. We Wii-ed and blackjack-ed and mahjong-ed. I was winning on mahjong during the first half, until my grandma kept winning 5 consecutive rounds just before the end of the game! I told myselft I had to at least get back my $$ and so I aim-ed for a 'Yi Se' (full colour) and I did it! With an extra flower! Muahahahaha! Got back mroe than what I asked for.
Thrid day of CNY, went over to Chris' parent's place for 'Lou Hei' and off we went to town! And look what I've got!
So busy that my laundry basket was over flowing, dust and fur and hair all over the floor. Glad I didn't agreed to start tuition today else I won't be able to do anything till thursday.
Huat ah!