I so loveeeeeeeeeeeeee the Bacon + Asparagas lah! Super yummy! But ultra sinful too.
One very bad thing happened this 2 days. Sundae & Nono got into a fight not once, not twice, but 3 freaking times!!!!!!
See how the punctured bite wound STUPID Nono gave me? I swear he HUNG on my freaking thigh for 3seconds before letting go!
And as for Daedae, being charbor, although very rough and tomboyish most of the time, she only gave superficial wounds.
Sundae is the most poor thing one lah! The wound near to her throat there, bled like hell last night, couldn't stop bleeding. And when she opens her jaws, it cause the wound to spread, causing blood to drip like a faulty tap! The rest of the 3 punctures, also very deep, like the ones on my thigh, but imagine it on my Sundae's white little head.
Top of left eye swollen, side of right eye also swollen, bottom jaw also swollen with 2 wounds. OUCH! Couldn't sleep well last night, was half asleep and kept waking up like every 30mins to check on her wounds, and also making sure Chris & my sleeping position was Okay, so as not to disturb her.
Poor baby slept through the night shivering & having irregular breathing. Must go get the Rescue Remedy real soon! So tied up at work today that I've got no time. Managed to pop by PLC at about 945, but they don't carry it.
Hurhur! Don't know if the fur would grow out of those scars. Also Sundae has become very vengeful, each time she sees Nono now, she'll want to charge up to him. Screamed at Dad to bring him back where he came from, but he REFUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone please spare me from all this heart breaks and stress. I'm already up to my neck from work, the company, customers & now the dogs! OMGOMGOMG!
someone please save me
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