I cannot remember when was the last time I've been to a house warming party! Might be 3years back? In Jurong when Chester and his family upgraded to a HDUC apartment.
Just last weekend, we attened a house warming party cum birthday celebration at my Aunt's place. I was all excited! Not because of the food or the type of house, but because I can finally see Potato!
Teehee. Potato is my Aunt's newly acquired Golden Retriever! If I'm not wrong, he should be at about 5months of age.
Adorable isn't he?
Other animals in the house!
The mean female-detesting talking parrot.
2 large tortoise
And the pair of budgies.
She has another dog, a Papilion. Such a Dao-gei dog that I could not even capture a shot of him, let alone touch him. Haha!
Mahjong-ed after food and I lost like $70+ for the 1.5rounds of game! Biggest loss ever! Makan-ed at the nearby seafood place and it was yummilicious and thoughtful for the pockets!
We had:
- Cereal Prawns
- Marmi Chicken
- Sambal Kangkong
- Hotplate Tofu
- 5 bowls of white rice
all these for $47++ and it fills 5 persons tummy fully!
Drinks and beer were paid by the biggest winner! Haha, but still all thanks to me cos I was the biggest loser loh! BLEAH!
Dinner @ Grandpa's place later!
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