Saturday, April 18, 2009


Here I am, on a bright and sunny Saturday, blogging and being all alone in the house except with the company of my chasing dog and scurrying rabbit.

Woke up at 4am with a really bad headach, tossed and turned about on the bed, woke the boyfiend up and he had since been out for some life firing exercise, till late.

Sundae loves to chase Brownie around the house especially when Brownie is up to know good. It always seems like Sundae is trying to tell Brownie who's da boss, and with Sundae looking back at me after telling Brownie off, it looks like siblings rivalry for Mommy.

Haha! It is really that dramatic! Sundae is the ultimate jealous dog ever lived! She just wants to be the one and only. You should see her expression and behaviour. Man! It's totally different when I give attention to Brownie and when my Mom gives attention to the rabbit! She doesn't give a hoot about her!

Acting real meek and cute and innocent! But you'll never know what goes on in the little mind of hers!

Cutie mouth-fy!

I guess she's contemplating whether or not to chew up some wires.

Bad picture, but rare shot!

brownie demands : LET ME OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!

Cute, aren't they?

Had my FIRST Gelare for Year 2009 @ CityLink last Tuesday, like an hour and a half before dinner at Ichiban Boshi @ Esplanade! Yummy for both!

Then we had steamboat @ home on Thursday! Busted about 50bucks for 2. Guess we bought too much meat! Had left over of 1kg of chicken, and 500gm of sliced pork. Greedy me! NExt time we'll just have steamboat outside! Haha

Baby girls got some too! Pork, beef, chicken, tofu, rice, veg!

After the steamboat meal, Sundae's pooping habits went haywire! Can anyone tell me should I bring her to the vet if she's like pooping only once every 2-3 days, and farting almost daily.

Gross shit!

Aunt Vivian was back last Monday. Met her a couple of times since. Treated her to Crab Noodles, we were treated to Jack's Place, then treated to Kbox, and treated to very nice Ban Mian dinner again last evening. Feeling so sinful lah!

I'm getting so bored and cooped up at home! Shall go shower and join my Aunt and Cousin for steamboat dinner at Bugis, bf's gonna be missing out on good food again! Hehe!


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